Why I designed front end like I did.

This was my first big 'business-style' project and I wanted to showcase what I have learned so far, which was python, SQL, bootstrap, with some minor scikit-learn.

Using python and postgreSQL for my backend, I wanted to use Flask to help display that backend. Flask being fairly easy to play with, I wanted to use it to quickly get my data displayed. Also learning a bit of bootstrap which really helped band aid the places where I would have needed javascript, those two together really helped me get through my first major project.

After this, I fully plan to embrace Django as I have come to enjoy how it is structured more. As much as I would love to learn all of the fine tunings of CSS to really get around bootstrap, I cannot deny how easy it makes website design in order to get my ideas out.

Finally, I realize that having no javascript really hinders what I can do on the front end. It is definitely the next thing I plan to learn. Even if I move in the direction of data science, having that power to help display your data on an easy format such as a web page I would consider invaluable.